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Welcome to BOOK CLUB On the Go!
P. O. Box 376 East Windsor Hill, CT 06028 (860) 265-6077
We're a book events service based in Hartford County, CT; serving CT and Western MA.
We offer in person and virtual author events and book clubs,
and online and mobile bookselling.
Future author events and book discussions will be posted on the NEWS & EVENTS page.
and on Facebook and Instagram (find us @bookclubct).
Cynde Acanto, events coordinator and book club facilitator,
was a brick & mortar bookstore owner for over 5 years.
She has 16 years of experience leading book clubs.
Her passion is bringing books, authors, & readers together.
She believes that the only thing better than reading a book is talking about it with others.
Previously purchased gift certificates will be honored at bookselling events.
Donated and Independent Bookstore Day gift certificates are no longer valid.
9/11/21 Kimberly McCreight in conversation with Juliet Grames